Recycling Vacuum Evaporators in the Pigment Industry

Ανακύκλωση Αποβλήτων σε Βιομηχανία Παραγωγής Απορρυπαντικών

Project Description

Recycling Vacuum Evaporators in the Pigment Industry

Recycling of waste from the reactor containers as well as The various Factory Containers . ZLD Technology

Location: Athens , Greece


Units Installed:

  • Vacuum Evaporator DPE 2.000 lt/day with Heat Pump
  • ACQUABATCH UNIT 2500 lt for terminating waste



Waste Recycling Unit ZLD
Vacuum Evaporator DPE 2.000 lt/day with Heat Pump
ACQUABATCH UNIT 2500lt for terminating waste



Project Detail
