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από δοχεία
και βαρέλια

Επιλογή κινητήρα με ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα ή αέρα. Παροχή max 120 l/h
Υλικό σωλήνα από πολυπροπυλένιο, ανοξείδωτο SS304 ή PVDF.
Mήκος σωλήνα 700mm, 1000mm και 1200mm.

Οι αντλίες της Verder είναι συνώνυμες με την ποιότητα, τη μακροζωία και την αξιοπιστία.

Επιλέξτε ανάμεσα σε Ηλεκτρομαγνητικές, Ηλεκτροκίνητες και έτοιμα συστήματα χλωρίωσης σε πόσιμο νερό και πισίνες

όργανα ελέγχου
για το νερό

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Are you looking for chemical transfer pumps and more? Start here!
Drum Pumps
pH and Redox Controller on Panel for Salt Chlorination
VP DUAL PANEL PH/REG is a pH and Redox Controller ready on Panel for Pool with salt electrolysis chlorination unit. The panel consists of a peristaltic pump and an electric socket unit for reading and adjusting pH and Redox, fixed on a thermoplastic completely wired IP 65 back panel.
pH and Redox Controller Ready on Panel for Pool
VP DUAL PANEL PH / RX is a pH and Redox Controller ready on Panel for Pool. The panel consists of a dual peristaltic unit for reading and adjusting pH and Redox, fixed on a thermoplastic completely wired IP 65 back panel.
pH and Chlorine Controller Ready on Panel for Pools
VP DUAL PANEL PH / CHLORINE is a pH and Chlorine Controller ready on Panel for Pool. The panel consists of a dual peristaltic unit for reading and adjusting pH and direct the free Chlorine in ppm.
Panel to Control pH and Redox in Pools with WiFi
''Fast Family WiFi'' is a total system with 2 peristaltic dosing pump to measuring and adjusting the pH and Chlorine by Redox (Rx) value.
- Real-time display of the measured value on the device
- WiFi connection
- Display and graphic representation of the above values
- Smartphone application

— George Holland
— Lifeder.com
Total Water Recovery
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
Heating Jackets for Barrels & IBC's