UV Air Duct Sanitizers
The AirDuct-UV Disinfection system for civil and industrial air force ducts are highly effective way to destroy airborne microbes including bacteria, virus and molds. Can be installed in new or existing duct systems.
AirDuct UV, Room Air Disinfection Equipment are proper for disenfection the air in duct systems. This technology consists of a UV light stick lamp to be placed inside a civil and industrial intake air duct. Models can be installed in new or existing duct systems. UV method is a highly effective way to destroy microorganisms including: virus, bacteria, and mold spores. Ultraviolet light is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light. UV can be separated into various ranges, with short range UV (UVC) considered “germicidal UV.” As the air stream is exposed to the germicidal ultraviolet light, the genetic material of the microorganism is destroyed or inactivated. This method of purification is ideal for many applications because it is fast, safe, economical and easy with simple use and maintenance.
The fields of application of this series of system are
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Model AirDuct-UV
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Method of operation Ultraviolet light is an electromagnetic type of radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light. UV can be separated into various ranges, with short range UV (UVC) considered “germicidal UV.” At certain wavelengths UV is mutagenic to bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms. At a wavelength of 2,537 Angstroms (254 nm) UV will break the molecular bonds within micro-organismal DNA, producing thymine dimers in their DNA thereby destroying them, rendering them harmless or prohibiting growth and reproduction. It is a process similar to the UV effect of longer wavelengths (UVB) on humans, such as sunburn or sun glare.Micro-organisms have less protection from UV and cannot survive prolonged exposure to it.
Water sterilization Ultraviolet disinfection of water consists of a purely physical, chemical-free process. UV-C radiation attacks the vital DNA of the bacteria directly. The bacteria lose their reproductive capability and are destroyed. Even parasites such as Cryptosporidia or Giardia, which are extremely resistant to chemical disinfectants, are efficiently reduced. A UVGI system is designed to expose environments such as water tanks, sealed rooms and forced air systems to germicidal UV. Exposure comes from germicidal lamps that emit germicidal UV electromagnetic radiation at the correct wavelength, thus irradiating the environment. The forced flow of air or water through this environment ensures the exposure.
Key Factor A key factor of UV water treatment too proper choose a model is the flow rate: if the flow is too high, water will pass through without enough UV exposure. If the flow is too low, heat may build up and damage the UV lamp.