Chlorinator with Constant Dosing Pump
Simple and economical ready to use system for drinking water chlorination. Electromagnetic dosing pump with manual control (0÷100% & 0÷20%).
Flow rate up to 54 l/h.
Pressure max 20 bar.
Quick connection for level control or flow sensor.
Typical Installation |
Simple and economical ready to use system for water chlorination. Package includes all necessary accessories for quick and easy installation. You have only to connect the dosing pump to the well pump panel in order to function parallel, so any time that the well pump starts, starts also the chlorinator to dosing chlorine.
You must regulate the proper flow rate of the dosing pump. You need to supply sufficient quantity to provide free chlorine min 0,2 mg/l (ppm).
Electromagnetic dosing pump with constant flow rate from 0% to 100%. Quick connection for float level chemical or flow sensor. Ability to ON/OFF operation of the incoming signal.
Key Point For proper chlorination of water is importand the next :
Technical Data
Package Included
Standard PVC kit
| Standard PP
| PVDF kit (option)
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